Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dat Thief Makes Me Unsleepy. Heh!

The blue rectangular clock on the table shows 6.00 am. My eyes are still open, feeling so fresh. Oke tipoo! Dis is not about sleeping troubles.Haduu how's to say? Today is a long nite for me. Or should I said "morning"? I've no idea how that thief menyelinap masuk into my rental house.

Was he menyusup masuk dari backyard, and then hiding behind my room before "took" my clothes?
How come he did dis in dis beautiful Ramadhan? This is not the first time. But ya, the second time. He took Shikin's last week. It was my turn dis week. Who's next? Oho, i'm worried of our safety. The nearest neighbour has been told about this, promising us to keep their eyes on our house.

UiTM Security Department came in the midnite, brought us to Balai Polis Merbok to make report. Dat one oke lg. D most interesting part was during their investigation di sekitar umah. 5 policemen have came over, meriah! Wah, mcm CSI. nGee~

TQVM to Security Department and Balai Polis Merbok.